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How to Fix “WiFi Not Working” Problem in Ubuntu Linux

Having a stable and reliable internet connection is crucial in today’s digital age. However, if you’re using Ubuntu Linux and facing issues with your WiFi, it can be frustrating and disruptive to your workflow. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the reasons behind WiFi problems in Ubuntu and provide effective solutions to get you back online.

Reasons for WiFi Issues in Ubuntu

Before diving into the solutions, let’s understand some common reasons why your WiFi might not be working properly on Ubuntu:

Outdated or Incompatible Drivers: In some cases, the default drivers provided by Ubuntu may not be compatible with your specific wireless card or router. Outdated drivers can also lead to connectivity problems or limited functionality.

Network Configuration Issues: Incorrect network configurations can prevent your system from establishing a successful connection with the WiFi network. This may include incorrect IP settings, DNS configuration, or security authentication issues.

Hardware Interference: Physical obstructions or interference from other electronic devices near your router can weaken the signal strength and cause intermittent connectivity problems.

Solutions for WiFi Problems in Ubuntu

Now that we’ve identified some possible causes of WiFi issues, let’s explore the solutions to troubleshoot and fix these problems:

1. Update Your System

Keeping your Ubuntu system up-to-date is essential for optimal performance. Open the Terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

This will update all installed packages on your system, including potential driver updates.

2. Check Wireless Network Settings

Ensure that you have entered the correct SSID (network name) and password for your WiFi network. Open the Network Settings and verify that all settings are accurate. If necessary, delete the current network profile and reconnect to establish a fresh connection.

3. Install Additional Drivers

If you suspect that incompatible drivers are causing WiFi issues, you can install additional proprietary drivers. Go to the “Software & Updates” application, click on the “Additional Drivers” tab, and select the appropriate driver for your wireless card. Restart your system after installation.

4. Reset Network Manager

Sometimes, resetting the Network Manager can resolve network configuration issues. Open the Terminal and execute the following commands:

sudo service network-manager restart

This will restart the Network Manager service and refresh all network configurations.

5. Adjust Power Management Settings

Power management settings in Ubuntu may prioritize energy-saving over stable WiFi connections. To disable power management for your wireless adapter, open Terminal and run:

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

Change `wifi.powersave = 3` to `wifi.powersave = 2`, save the file (Ctrl + O), and exit (Ctrl + X). Then restart the Network Manager using `sudo service network-manager restart`.


WiFi connectivity issues in Ubuntu Linux can be frustrating, but with these troubleshooting steps, you’ll be able to get back online in no time. Remember to keep your system updated, check network settings thoroughly, install compatible drivers if needed, reset the Network Manager when necessary, and adjust power management settings for a stable connection. By following these tips, you’ll overcome WiFi problems and enjoy seamless internet access on your Ubuntu system. Stay connected!

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